Delcam PowerInspect module reduces dual-column CMM inspection time

A new module for the latest version of Delcam's PowerInspect inspection software enables efficient inspection sequences to be created for use on dual-column CNC co-ordinate-measuring machines (CMMs) and allows the simultaneous measurement of different features on larger parts.

A common application for dual-column CNC CMMs is in automotive body-in-white inspection, where the evaluation of a large, complex and relatively symmetrical assembly requires both intricate measurements on each side combined with an assessment of the structure as a whole. The Delcam PowerInspect module gives the ability to measure parts on these devices without repositioning. In general, the dual-column mode works in a similar manner to the single-column CNC version of PowerInspect but with an additional programming operation being required to distribute the various items to be inspected between the two columns. Additions to the offline-programming and program-running capabilities provide easy tools for moving inspection items between the two columns to balance the inspection time needed for each one. The user can switch columns in much the same way as they switch probes or tools. To ensure safe operation of the CMM, the collision predictor within PowerInspect checks for possible collisions between columns by calculating their moves as the inspection proceeds and comparing their future positions in space and time. If any overlap is detected, the inspection is stopped and a warning displayed. This is the only reliable way to prevent collisions between columns because of factors like speed differences between the way they are programmed and the way the machines actually move. The dual-column version of PowerInspect offers the same range of inspection routines for taking simple measurements, for inspection of geometric features and for analysing complex 3D surfaces.