Mori Seiki Cutting Dream Contest for Europe this year

Mori Seiki's Cutting Dream Contest will be held in Europe this year for the first time.

The Cutting Dream Contest, initially held only in Japan, last year took place in America for the first time. The Contest is a competition which celebrates passion and consummate technical ability in manufacturing industry, says the company. Prizewinning pieces for 2006 were displayed in the Mori Seiki booth at Japan's international machine tool show, JIMTOF, last year. The contest features four categories: parts machining; die and mould machining/mould machining; micro machining; and academic research. There are several prizes in each category, and the gold prize winners receive ¥200,000. Judging is conducted by a panel of experts external to Mori Seiki. Pictured: Die and mould machining/mould machining - Gold Prize Winner - Nisso Industry, “3D Wasp” (2006)