In addition to its world-leading CAD software, SOLIDWORKS and proven CAM solutions from CAMWorks, Eureka, TransMagic, NT CADCAM is now offering two new products in its CAM portfolio:
Visual Factories - Discover the very best in Performance Improvement Management (PIM) solutions with this innovative software aimed at helping companies optimise the manufacture of high value or high volume components. The PIM system continuously captures the production machines activity in real time, without any human intervention. If you have more than one factory – no problem, Visual-Factories PIM uses cloud-based software to collect all output and give you one overall ‘view’ of activity. State of the art algorithms can provide instant or scheduled updates to production managers or controllers for the famous Monday Morning Meeting (although we know some of you have them daily!).
NT CADCAM also offers the next generation of hardware from the World’s biggest PC manufacturer Lenovo, including the fastest, most powerful mobile workstation for SOLIDWORKS users, the ThinkPad. Pair Lenovo hardware with an NVIDIA graphics card to get a powerful processing system.
If you want to find out the latest tooling techniques such as VoluMill from CAMWorks, which can reduce machining time by as much as 85% and increase tool life by as much as 500%, or want to find out more about getting an overview on the production line, talk to NT CADCAM. We are taking the best in design and manufacturing technologies, we are creating a one-stop shop for engineers and designers wanting a total cradle-to-grave solution for their workflows.
The MACH SHOW 2016 is at Birmingham NEC this week from the 11-15 April. Come and visit NT CADCAM at stands 4031 and 5979.