Okamoto ACC-208CHiQ surface grinder from NCMT aims to satisfy top accuracy demands
1 min read
Okamoto's double-column, gantry-type ACC-208CHiQ, a high precision, surface grinding machine, is aimed at satisfying the demand for top accuracy machining of, for example, motor core dies for the hybrid car sector, or high precision dies used in die coating equipment.

UK agent NCMT says that the Okamoto ACC-208CHiQ can provide die and mould component makers with the very best straightness and flatness together with a mirror finish over a 2,000 by 1,000 mm area. High productivity features include a 500 mm diameter by 100 mm wide grinding wheel driven by a 22 kW motor and shift-plunge grinding cycles. Cycle times are further shortened by combining overhead dressing for rough grinding with table top dressing for finishing.
The ACC-208CHiQ owes its high flatness and straightness accuracy not only to precision, hand scraped table slideways, but also to the design and accuracy of the cross rail gantry structure. This enables super accurate mechanical adjustment of the gantry slide straightness and does not rely on software correction via the control (patent pending). The actual measured straightness value of the gantry is 0.8 mm over 900 mm.
The Okamoto ACC-208CHiQ is capable of basic surface grinding, slot grinding, side face grinding and profile grinding. It boasts the latest iQ control and the easy-to-use software also offers a quick and simple way to make radius or angle wheel shapes via the touch screen.