Mobile coolant testing supports HSE move

Mobile coolant testing supports HSE move

In response to the latest HSE guidelines relating to the control of bacterial contamination in used water soluble metalworking fluids, and to coincide with the launch of the Ecocool Ultralife range of coolants, FUCHS UK has introduced a new Mobile Coolant Testing Kit. The HSE’s revised guidelines, including a new document for metalworking fluid users titled "MWF5: Managing Sumps and Bacterial Contamination," states that manufacturers should: · carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment to evaluate the potential risk of occupational asthma and extrinsic allergic alveolitis · maintain fluid quality and control bacterial contamination in fluids · minimise skin exposure to fluids · prevent or control airborne mists · where there is exposure to fluid or mist, carry out health surveillance The testing kit is an ideal way for machining companies to monitor bacteria levels in used coolant and act accordingly, helping them to protect their employees, ensure compliance with HSE guidelines and improve the commercial performance of their business.