The Catapult Trail, consisting of four stands across the exhibition, demonstrates how HVM Catapult can help companies harness key Industry 4.0 technologies to improve their bottom line. All seven of the HVM Catapult’s world-leading centres of innovation will be on display along the trail, with special features on the future of machining, additive manufacturing, digitalisation and automation.
With the continued push in the sector towards (near) net shape manufacturing, the Manufacturing Technology Centre’s (MTC) expertise in additive manufacturing will be on show, with a cutting-edge carbon fibre printer producing components throughout the event.
Travelling along the trail to the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) stand, visitors can discuss Machining 4.0. Supported by an Intereg-funded project, the NMIS Group will showcase how small to medium sized businesses can innovate with new machining and digital technologies, including hybrid systems and additive manufacturing.
To complete your journey along the supply chain, the Catapult Trail ends with the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre’s (AMRC) display of its lightweighting, battery module, additive manufacturing and advanced machining capabilities. The focus of the stand is an eye-catching Caterham sports car which forms the centrepiece of the AMRC’s Project ELLI (Electrification and Lightweighting in Industry 4.0).
Katherine Bennett, chief executive of the HVM Catapult said: "Since 2011, the HVM Catapult has worked with thousands of companies of all sizes to raise their game through innovation. It’s right that we are part of MACH 2022 to connect with more manufacturers we can help along the road to success."
Located within the trail is the special Tooling Clinic run by the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC).
The Tooling Clinic will enable visitors to identify the solutions right for them through open discussion of the manufacturing challenges within their tooling applications, cutting strategies, parameter optimisation, virtual machining and other high value manufacturing methodologies and technologies.
AMRC engineers will draw on their experience and expertise, provide presentations on key discussion areas and signpost visitors to the technology exhibitors who can best address their requirements.
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